This may not make national news, but it is substantial and quite frightening if you think about it. 55 indicted for running a heroin and meth trafficking ring across parts of North County including Oceanside and Vista (and in other states including Arizona).
These gang members have ties to the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most violent cartels in Mexico. The Vista Home Boys, a gang whose members/associates were indicted, is one of those gangs that may not have nation wide prominence, but they are not to be taken lightly. The gang has something like 300-400 heads in Vista alone. This may not make national news, but it is substantial and quite frightening if you think about it. 55 indicted for running a heroin and meth trafficking ring across parts of North County including Oceanside and Vista (and in other states including Arizona). These gang members have ties to the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most violent cartels in Mexico.
The Vista Home Boys, a gang whose members/associates were indicted, is one of those gangs that may not have nation wide prominence, but they are not to be taken lightly. The gang has something like 300-400 heads in Vista alone.
Yep, Vista Home Boys & other North County gangs have been at it for years, doing their thing.the so-called 'gang injunctions' mean nothing. I was called a liar on this forum several years back when I stated how serious the gang situation in North SD Co. Is, because yeah, it's so safe there! Unfortunately, LE will never be able to completely dismantle VHB & the other gangs.they've been around too long, have deep roots, are multi-generational, & get a lot of support & respect, and, if not that, many who are aware of them choose to look the other way. Hey, Think4Yourself, where you at??
Have you moved to Vista yet? I'm sure all of these people bought these weapons legally. Plus, as a bonus, I'm sure they are all here legally. Because it's so easy for a felon to purchase a gun here right?
The Gangs Of L.A. 1993: Steve Blount, one of the few African-American members of the Evergreen gang, left, with his son, Steve Jr. Was killed in a gang-related homicide in 1998.JOSEPH RODRIGUEZ Not everyone had disappeared, though. Steve Blount, an original member of the Evergreen gang and one of the few African-Americans in Latino.
Let's blame 30 years of gang bang open border on potus. Let's blame cars for DUI's. What alternate universe do you live on? I agree with everything you said but this. Most if not all of the people arrested are 2nd 3rd even 4th generation US Citizens.
Prostate healthy. Kovka 3d polnaya versiya. Drink sufficient water. These are some with the actions you can take and also hardwearing.
I am likely to get shot by my fellow American than i am by an illegal alien, cold hard fact. The 'I might be killed by an Illegal alien/Muslim' argument holds no water as most Terror attacks have been from American Born Citizens. But I agree with you 100% on the Gun Issues. Taking away peoples guns is definitely not the Answer.