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I loved GWX and silent hutner 3 for the longest time but untill just now i cant really say i do anymore. Was late 1941 and ive had a wonderfull career so far so i decided to take a risk when i spotted HMS Nelson Ancored at Gibralter. Snuck in, sunk her and another Battleship and snuck out making frequent saves along the way. Once i was cleer my last save before heading back to port completed then the game immedately crashed. And ALL my saves for the whole Gibralter raid were doing the same crash on load.

Read somewhere that too many saves causes this so i went to the first save of my career to delete old saves and instead of deleting the one, it delted every save. Originally posted by:It wasent a problem with OS compatability or resolution size. My save files simply got corrupted. That is a intressting thing about that, because GWX from what I seen dose not change the core files, least I do not think, just the data files, So really it shouldn't.


But it dose change the ship class types. Maybe when it saves, in a dll file has a validation check to make sure the ship classes are the same, and is corrected during the save corrupting it because it is incorrect. Just a theroy. But for the most part, many have played without issue.

Originally posted by:It wasent a problem with OS compatability or resolution size. My save files simply got corrupted. Download driver rtl8191s wlan adapter driver. That is a intressting thing about that, because GWX from what I seen dose not change the core files, least I do not think, just the data files, So really it shouldn't. But it dose change the ship class types. Maybe when it saves, in a dll file has a validation check to make sure the ship classes are the same, and is corrected during the save corrupting it because it is incorrect. Just a theroy.

But for the most part, many have played without issue. Dunno if it was GWX or the base game itself at fault honestly. The only strange behavior i noticed prior to the corruption was whenever i loaded within hydrophone contact of Gibralter the game would crash shortly after aquiring audio contacts. I worked around this by un manning the hydrophone station. At the time i thought it was just because of the number of contacts being recorded at once. In hindsight i should of known then and there that somethign was wrong.

What gets me though is how deleting my first save of my career caused EVERY save afterwards to get deleted as well. I know the default game itself deletes any save file after. Eample: in base after mission. Unfortunately no, the damage was irrevocably done before i made my initial post on this problem. I allready knew that loading old saves deleted new ones but not Deleting old saves. Part of the reason i was so ticked about this is because it wasent jsut a perfect in and out raid.

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