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Master Class 9 Science And Be Successful in exams. Here find Physics chemistry biology Notes, assignments, concept maps and lots of study material for easy learning and understanding. We have lots of study material written in easy language that is easy to follow.
How to use this page to learn Science You are here in this page means you are looking for something to help you study Science of class 9. So this page contains notes of most of the class 9 chapters and we also have assignments of most of the chapters that you can practice.
We also have a page where you can download lots of files. So, to learn any chapter you have to follow these steps • First read and understand the notes.
• Try to go through the solved examples of of the chapter you are reading • Now it is the time to solve unsolved assignments and worksheets. You will find plenty of them here or on the respective chapter page. All the best for better learning of your physics concepts. Hope we helped you when you were looking for class 9 Science notes. If you like them please spread a word by sharing them with your friends. Ebook mql4 bahasa indonesia ke.
SYLLABUSTransactional Expected Learning No. OfTopicContentTeachingOutcomesPeriods Strategyi. Introduction Torevisethebasiccon-Use Vennii. Properties of operations oncepts on Set operations diagrams for all sets Tounderstandtheproper- illustrationsiii.DeMorganslaws-verifi-ties of operations of sets cation using example Venn - commutative, associative, diagram anddistributiverestrictedGive examples tothreesets. Sets and Functionsiv. Formula forof functions fromv. Functions Tounderstandthelawsofeconomics, medi- complementation of sets.cine, science etc.
TounderstandDeMor- gans laws and demonstrat- ingthembyVenndiagram26 as well. Tosolvewordproblems usingtheformulaaswell as Venn diagram. Tounderstandthedefini- tion,typesandrepresenta- tion of functions.
Tounderstandthetypes offunctionswithsimple examples.i. Introduction TounderstandtoidentifyUse pattern ap-ii.
SequencesanArithmeticProgressionproachiii.ArithmeticProgression and a Geometric Progres-II. Sequences and Series of (A.P) sion.
Use dot pattern asiv. Geometric Progression AbletoapplytofindtheteachingaidRealNumbers (G.P) nthtermofanArithmeticv.
SeriesProgression and a Geomet- Use patterns to ric Progression.derive formulae27 Todeterminethesumof ntermsofanArithmetic Examplestobe Progression and a Geomet- given from real ric situations Todeterminethesumof somefiniteseries.i. Solving linear equations Tounderstandtheideaabout Illustrativeii. Polynomials pair of linear equations in examples iii.Syntheticdivisiontwo unknowns. Greatest common divisorpair of linear equations in Usechartsas III.Algebra (GCD) twovariablesbyelimination teachingaidsand Least common mul-methodandcrossmultipli- tiple (LCM) cationmethod.Recall GCD andv.
Rational expressions Tounderstandtherelation- LCMofnumbersvi. Square rootshipbetweenzerosandco-initiallyvii. Quadratic Equations efficientsofapolynomial withparticularreferenceto quadraticpolynomials. Todeterminetheremain-Comparewithderandthequotientofoperations onthegivenpolynomial fractionsusingSyntheticDivisionMethod.
Abletounderstandthedif-ferencebetweenGCDandComparewiththeLCM, of rational expres-square root opera-sion. Tion on numerals. Abletosimplifyrationalexpressions(SimpleProb- Help studentsvisualizethelems), III.Algebranature of roots Tounderstandsquarealgebraicallyandroots.graphically. Tounderstandthestandard 40form of a quadratic equa-tion. Tosolvequadraticequa-tions(onlyrealroot)-byfactorization,bycomplet-ingthesquareandbyusingquadratic formula.