There is no way to activate hardware acceleration in Libreoffice I'm using Debian testing amd64 Libreoffice version is Details of my.


Good instructions, but my drivers up to date. Have same problems as re: game loading, and in that Microsoft's instructions re: hardware/graphics acceleration point to a troubleshooting tab. Actually, the instructions as to what tab or whatever to select are all a little inaccurate for Windows 10. In any case, Advanced Settings under 'change display settings: has no troubleshooting tab. Don't know what to try next.

Libreoffice hardware acceleration problems

Found elsewhere that if 'troubleshooting' doesn't show, then card doesn't support hardware acceleration. Still don't know what to do next. Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Manufacturer: Intel Corporation Chip type: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family DAC type: Internal Device Type: Full Device. Hi, Thank you for the update on the issue. Please refer to these steps to check if the graphics card supports hardware acceleration or not and to enable or disable it: • On the desktop, press Windows key + X and select Control Panel.

• In Large Icons View, click on Display and click on Change Display Settings, in the left pane. • Click on Advanced Settings. In the Advanced Settings window, if Troubleshooting tab is present, then the graphics card supports hardware acceleration. • Click on the Troubleshooting tab and move the Hardware Acceleration slider to Full. • Click on OK and restart the computer to save the settings. Hope this information is helpful.

Please let us know the results. Feel free to write us back for any further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you. Regards, Ramesh Kumar. I agree, so many people give 'advice' on how to fix things, but fail to advise people of their system and os and settings before they post. They just figure that if th eir computer does it, everyone's does. I have to laugh at some of these answers because people have to search what they're talking about as they go, and still can't find the answers. And by the way, There is no troubleshoot at that point in windows 10, large icons is greyed out, and there is no slider.

The problem is in Direct X. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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