Residence of Foreigners in Territory of Slovakia. Print Residence of Foreigners in Territory of Slovakia. Stay of Foreign Nationals in Slovakia. The conditions for the entry and stay of foreign nationals in Slovakia are laid down in Act No. 404/2011 on Residence of Aliens and Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts.
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Temporary residence shall enable a third country national to stay, exit and re-enter the Slovak Republic territory during the period as specified by a police department. Temporary residence shall be bound with a single purpose.
If a third country national wants to perform other activities than those for which the temporary residence was granted, s/he must file a new application for the granting of temporary residence, unless provided otherwise herein. The purpose of the temporary stay is to be performed by a third-country national on the territory of the Slovak Republic. The temporary residence permits are granted for a specific purpose, such as: business (§ 22), employment (§ 23), studies (§ 24), special activity (§ 25), research and development (§ 26), or family reunion (§27), performing service obligations by civil units of armed forces (§ 28), who has the status of a Slovak living abroad (§ 29), who has the statues of a person with long term residence in another member state (§ 30), the residence on the basis of a Blue Card of the European Union (§ 37). Temporary residence shall be bound with a single purpose: business (for a period of up to 3 years), employment (up to 5 years), studies (up to 6 years), special activity (up to 2 years), research and development (up to 2 years), or family reunion (up to 5 years), performing service obligations by civil units of armed forces (up to 5 years), who has the status of a Slovak living abroad (for 5 years), who has the statues of a person with long term residence in another member state (up to 5 years), the residence on the basis of a Blue Card of the European Union (up to 4 years). • his/her residence in the Slovak Republic territory is authorised; • he/she is staying on the basis of the tolerated stay granted [Art. 1 (a-c) or par.