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• 525 Answers SOURCE: Below is a link that will help you with parts and diagnostic procedures that are specifically tuned to your manufacturers data plate information. Tip: Always provide the complete information provided on the manufacturers product information tag, located on the unit, and not in the user’s manual.
This will help you acquire a more accurate and expeditious response to your complaint. If my assistance helped resolve this issue, please show your appreciation by rating how effective my advice was in resolving this issue.
Thank you, Dave E. (Illeagle) 'Your satisfaction is my personal reward' Posted on Jun 24, 2008. • 174 Answers SOURCE: Hi if the drum is not stiff and runs free and the motor is energised but not powerful enough it can be thr start capacitor located nearby the motor.
Its a small cylindical silver can rated at 8 microfarads (125 00 20-33/4 approx £8.50.) You cant measure it the best way is to try one known to be good. If its not that it is more likely to be the electronic board. You can look for cracked soldered joints and resolder (lead free solder) otherwise its a new electronic.hope this helps Posted on Nov 19, 2010.