Installation: - Turbo Pascal 7.0 on Windows 7 - Free Pascal on Windows XP. DOWNLOAD TURBO PASCAL 7.1 AND RUN IT ON WINDOWS SEVEN. Choose D-Fend-Reloaded full-install because DOSbox is included in the installation.


Hi guys, today i’m gonna to show you how to install pascal on Windows 10 (10, 7, 8.1, 8 even 98,2000 and XP, also working for 32bit or 64bit) with out any installation, just extract, copy and paste. So on Windows 10, we can’t use TP normally because the issue with compatible, so we need an emulative environment – DOSBox. Now, let’s begin: Firstly, you need to download this file (.zip): Next, extract it using winrar or built-in file explorer. Then, copy “tpx folder to C: in My Computer or This PC (Windows 10, 8.1, 8). Now, open tpx folder and cut “Turbo Pascal” shortcut to your desktop. To desktop Finally, open TurboPascal on your destop and enjoy it 🙂 Bookmark my Blog to get more Tutorial of Software and Photography.

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