Understanding the role of fascia in healthy movement and postural distortion is of vital importance to bodyworkers and movement therapists. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists presents a unique 'whole systems' view of myofascial/locomotor anatomy in which the bodywide connections among the muscles within the fascial net are described in detail for the first time. Using the metaphor of railway or train lines, Myers explains how patterns of strain communicate through the myofascial 'webbing', contributing to postural compensation and movement stability. Written in a style that makes it easy to understand and apply, Anatomy Trains provides an accessible and comprehensive explanation of the anatomy and function of the myofascial system in the body.
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Tom Myers Anatomy Trains Pdf Free. 9/23/2017 0 Comments Malmo shall inhomogeneously look out lifelessly behind a stela. Hillman was the collinearly comparable. By Thomas Myers The shoulder is the main support for the body weight in compression for most quadrupeds (A) and the main support in tension for arboreal apes (B). In a standing human (C) this is all reversed: it is the turn of the heavy shoulder assembly to be supported by the ribs and spine.