Sunplus Tool. Protokol vskritiya telenka pri gipotrofii. Download32 is source for sunplus tool shareware, freeware download - Mp3 ID3v1v2 Tag Edit & Sort Tool, MP3 Repair Tool, AnyMaxi Word Count Tool with Invoice, Keyword Research Tool, Kool Swimming Pool Tool, etc. Aug 11, 2009 - stk_windows.7z STK 0.2.3 (rev 090811) Sunplus Tool Kit for Logo IR VFD and RomLoader.
Share • LinkedIn • Facebook • Twitter 0 As a Wisconsin based company that supplies and services variable frequency drives in the HVAC, Irrigation, Entertainment, Water and Waste Water industries for the last 25 years, we are called into projects that face various installation and product problems. Each industry has it's own 'traditions' for mounting VFD's. MCC mounted VFD's are almost never seen in hospitals, labs, or universities. It is common in waste water plants to see VFD's mounted motor control centers. Space limitations and 'habits' are the common motivations. The issues that we see are several. One of the most common issues is the impact for the end-user regarding the life cycle cost and serviceability. Small HP VFD's (20HP and less) are small enough that they fit into a standard MCC bucket.
Larger VFD's are placed into custom buckets that do not have the tabs for the power connections and are direct cabled. I have an end user with a 100HP VFD (about 5 years old) with a failed main cooling fan. The entire MCC line-up had to be shut down for several hours because the fan was mounted on the back of the VFD heat sink that was flanged mounted. This meant that the drive was mounted (bucket was not removable) through a cut out and the fan was about 1/2' from the vertical bus bars. With the arc flash protective gear, the technician was not able to remove the small screws, etc. Required to change the fan.
Another end user was concerned that his VFD's only lasted 5-7 years before a catastrophic failure and had to be replaced. This was due to the inadequate cooling and dust build-up on the VFD heatsink. The VFD's needed to be completely removed from the MCC so proper access to the heatsink in order for it to be cleaned. A 10C rise over the VFD rated temperature typically will reduce the VFD's lifespan by 50%! I have yet to see a VFD that is mounted in an MCC that does not operate at elevated temperatures compared to a stand alone VFD due to restricted and recirculated airflow. I have also seen high frequency noise issues generated by the VFD motor cabling in a MCC as it is very difficult to 'isolate' the motor cable (which is like a transmitter of high frequency noise) that can interfere with communication systems for SCADA, transmitters, etc).
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