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※The complete code is availablein. In, I used nRF24LE1, which is an 8051 microcontroller(MCU) integrated nRF24L01 function, to operate Enhanced Shockburst™ (ESB) transceiving. If your MCU would tackle only some simple tack with wireless function, nRF24LE1 is a good selection. However, in some case, nRF24LE1 may be not a choice. For example, nRF24LE1 computing power is limited and does not support CAN bus, pins of nRF24LE1 would be conflicted for your application, multi-channels ADC/I2C/SPI are required, or just existing product must not be totally reforged.etc. Hence, In here, I would to show how to use STM8L to manipulate nRF24L01.

STM8, ST7 Compiler. Point-by-point compiler performance testing with STMicroelectronics, a combination of regularly updated test suites for anti-regression and ANSI conformity, and regular benchmarking ensure the quality and evolution of the Raisonance STM8/ST7 C compiler.

The STM8L I use here is P3 features its low price (STM8L10X series is lowest product line of STM8 series.). Because the STM101F1 flash size is not adequate to containing the firmware operating nRF24L01, I use the chip postfix being -F3 rather than -F1.

To detail explain how to deal with the porting, I start from code of, which has been completely implemented ESB send and receive functions. You need to provide your email to STMicroelectronics. Install those software,, and set ST Visual develop using the compiler: Tools → Option. Stm8_interrupt_vector.c and stm8l10x_conf.h are auto-generated files.

The STM8L10x_StdPeriph_Driver folder contains the driver files of of STM8L10x standard peripheral library, in directory STM8L10x_StdPeriph_Lib Libraries STM8L10x_StdPeriph_Driver, for inc and src folder respectively. The next stuff I need to do, is to complete the nRF24L01 initialization. Pay attention:: it is not ESB initializtion function, which has been implemented in esb_app.c. Astor piazzolla tango etude no3 pdf.

The nRF24L01 initialization is for initializing the interface resources used in communicated with nRF24L01. There are two part: initialize the Serial Peripheral Interface Bus(SPI), and the General-purpose input/output(GPIO). The pins: PB7 pin is SPI_MISO, input, high = 1. PB6 pin is SPI_MOSI, output, high = 1. PB5 pin is SPI_SCK, output, high = 1. PB4 pin is for nRF24L01 CSN. Output, set = 1.

PB3 pin is for nRF24L01 CE, output, set =1. PC0 pin is for nRF24L01 IRQ, input, external interrupt, active-low. According to above definition, the for SPI timing explanation(CPOL= low, CPHA = rising edge, more detail explanation about CPOL and CPHA you could refer to ), the code for nRF24L01 initialization is.

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