O’ Z B E K I S T O N R E S P U B L I K A S I O L I Y V A O’ R T A M A X S U S T A ‘ L I M V A Z I R L I G I Q. BURXONOVA O’ Z B E K I S T O N T A R I X I Oliy o’quv yurtlari barcha bakalavr yo’nalishlari uchun (tarix.


O’ Z B E K I S T O N R E S P U B L I K A S I O L I Y V A O’ R T A M A X S U S T A ‘ L I M V A Z I R L I G I Q. BURXONOVA O’ Z B E K I S T O N T A R I X I Oliy o’quv yurtlari barcha bakalavr yo’nalishlari uchun (tarix yo’nalishidan tashqari) D A R S L I K TOSHKENT – 2 0 0 5.

Pepsiman Reception [ ] Reception Review scores Publication Score 25 / 40 90 / 100 Gamers' Republic B- Writers for called the game 'super-simple', comparing it to and, and calling it a simplified version of. According to Uchikoshi, the game did not sell well. Others have made similar comments.

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