Introduction In a (now deprecated), I discussed how to upgrade — at no cost for licensed users — Nuance's PaperPort Version 11 (hereafter, PP11) and PaperPort Version 12 (PP12) to the latest 'point' releases, namely, 11.2 and 12.1. At the time of that article's publication, PP11 and PP12 were the two latest versions. Now the latest version is PP14 (yes, Nuance was superstitious and skipped 13), and its latest 'point' release is 14.5. I decided that adding PP14 to the previous article would result in a long, unwieldy article. In addition, a user of one version is not going to be concerned about the other two versions, so I decided to create three separate articles for,, and users. This is the PP11 one.
Oct 15, 2011 - ScanSoft TextBridge Pro v11 for PC, torrent related issues. Get free help. A torrent for this software will lead you to a download of an illicit software. If you want to use. ScanSoft Nuance ® PaperPort® 11 Full Version for PC. -3 Questions. It's generally under the PaperPort folder, but the location may vary by model. Double-click on Setup.exe. Note Depending on the computer's settings, the.exe.
The earlier point releases of PP11 — 11.0 and 11.1 — are known to have bugs that were fixed in 11.2. Although the links in the previous article for 11.2 still work, Nuance informed me that they may soon stop working. This new article provides working links for 11.2 that Nuance says will continue to work after the other ones have been taken down. This article also provides other useful information on upgrading. Comparison of Standard and Professional Editions For PP11, there are two consumer editions – Standard and Professional. The feature comparison matrix is available in the Files section of this PaperPort wiki: Here is a direct link to the PDF: III.
New Links to Downloads The new links are to a direct download of the upgrades for PP11.2 Standard and Professional, rather than to a Download Request Form, as with the previous links. Beware the size — both are very large: PP11.2 Standard (251,494,031 bytes) PP11.2 Professional (321,030,751 bytes) IV. Save Scanning Profiles Before uninstalling your current PP11, save your scanning profiles. Unfortunately, a fresh install of PP11 overwrites your customized scanning profiles file with a standard file.
You will lose all of the work that you put into creating your custom scanning profiles. In XP, the PP11 scanning profiles are located here: c: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data ScanSoft PaperPort 11 Profiles. Xml In Vista, the PP11 scanning profiles are located here: c: Users All Users Nuance PaperPort 11 Profiles.x ml In W7 and W8, they are likely at the same location as Vista, but PP11 is not supported on W7 or W8, and I have never installed it in either, so I'm not sure. Vista is the latest Windows on which PP11 is supported. Copy the 'Profiles.xml' file to a different folder before uninstalling your old PP11 and then copy it back after installing PP11.2. Uninstallation Procedure IMPORTANT: Make sure you are connected to the Internet during this entire process so the Nuance Activation Server can do its thing, thereby retaining your activation.
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For proper installation, you should uninstall all PP11-related products first. This includes PDF Create, PP Image Printer, and, of course, PP11 itself (these products require separate uninstalls). You should use the standard Windows manual procedure to uninstall these programs, that is, via Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs in XP and Control Panel>Programs and Features in Vista, W7, W8. If you have PDF Converter, that should also be uninstalled before installing the upgrade (and it requires a separate uninstall). For further information, here is the Nuance PaperPort knowledge base article regarding uninstallation: VI. Remover Tool Nuance recommends the standard Windows uninstallation procedure, as described in the section above.
However, if your uninstallation is problematic, Nuance provides a free Remover Tool that does a more thorough job of removing all traces of a PP11 installation. Here is the link: VII. Installation Procedure IMPORTANT: As with uninstallation, make sure you are connected to the Internet during the installation process so the Nuance Activation Server can do its thing. After proper manual uninstallation, the next step is to install the upgrade. Each PP11.2 link is to a ZIP file which must be manually unzipped.