This post describes how to design some text fields in smart form and passing the text field value from a driver program. Go to Tx- SFP.
A form interface is required to pass the data to the form. So select the Interface and provide a name and Click on Create button. Create an importing parameter. Here added SPFLI structure as an importing parameter. Activate the Interface. Go to Tx- SFP. Select the FORM option and provide a Form name and select the Create button.
Mar 15, 2018 - How To Find Driver Program For Adobe Form. How to Find Your Adobe Acrobat Serial Number [Easy]Like most programs you pay for, Adobe. Calling Smart Form using Driver Program. Let us prepare a driver program for the Smart Form that displays the. Find licenses and terms for Adobe products and services in the following. Adobe Form Client: 5.0. Bronze Support Program: Adobe Bronze Program Service Agreement. Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences.
Provide the above created Interface name and Save. Now we have to map the Interface importing parameter to the Form context node. So Drag the importing parameter and Drop on the context node.
Parameters are mapped form interface to form. Now to design the Form go to Layout tab. We have to design the text fields. So drag&drop the text field form the object library to the design view. Select the text field in the design view & from the Object section, select the Binding option. Map the field to the importing structure field – MANDT. Drag & Drop another text field.
From object ->Binding -> bind to the Carrid field. Follow the process for some more text field design & binding. All text fields can be put under a rectangular box. So drag & drop a rectangular box. Now activate the form & test. Click on the importing parameter. This screen appears.
Below records exists in SPFLI table. Fill some values in the importing parameter and Go back. Select preview button. Here the form preview. Let’s call the Adobe Form form ABAP program.
Now check the generated Function module for the adobe form. Click on test button. Here we have the generated FM name. Falak naz marwat. DATA: cp_outparam TYPE sfpoutputparams, ip_funcname TYPE funcname, ls_spfli TYPE spfli. SELECT SINGLE * FROM spfli INTO ls_spfli. CALL FUNCTION ‘FP_JOB_OPEN’ CHANGING ie_outputparams = cp_outparam. CALL FUNCTION ‘FP_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME’ EXPORTING i_name = ‘ZTEST_FORM_02’ IMPORTING e_funcname = ip_funcname.
CALL FUNCTION ip_funcname ” ‘/1BCDWB/SM00000036’ EXPORTING * /1BCDWB/DOCPARAMS = is_spfli = ls_spfli * IMPORTING * /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT = EXCEPTIONS usage_error = 1 system_error = 2 internal_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. CALL FUNCTION ‘FP_JOB_CLOSE’ * IMPORTING * E_RESULT = EXCEPTIONS usage_error = 1 system_error = 2 internal_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. Execute the program. Form preview as below.