I've got the latest build and its great. Couple things I notice. Ttextures are now the same quality as those that are produced by FSEarthtiles (FSX/P3D). It seems g2xpl tiles always seemed washed out and lacking in contrast and saturation - that's been fixed. And the new ability to draw out the area you want higher res using Google Earth KML files is a gift from heaven. The way it works is this.

I draw out my area I want at say ZL18 (60 cm). I then tell g2xpl if I want the remainder of the tile to be Zl15, ZL16, or ZL17.

Saves space and time if needs be. Fscotee, do you know what quality or ZL Megascenery earth uses? I mean there latest one? I just got the latest beta of g2xpl and have been using it to create my own orthophoto sceneries and the results haven't been consistent. I tried making sceneries for areas around Korea and Vietnam, and using virtualearth to pull my images from. I'm guessing thats bing maps. I don't know which service provides the best quality.

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Gujarati fonts gopika two fonts. I have been using google in the start and they seem to be the best, at least for coverage in the US, not sure about other countries. However I can only download a certain amount from google before I get an error. So I would have to wait a few days and do it again. This makes it a pain in the butt to create sceneries. Now does the USGS service you mention have any limits on the amount you can download like google?

And how is the quality of their textures? I would like to use them the next time I fire up g2xpl. Does it need to be configured or anything? Would love to hear your thoughts. The USGS textures can be viewed here: On the left, select either 'imagery 1 foot' or 'imagery 1 meter', and give it a few seconds to load. The 1 meter imagery is what MSE 2.0 uses.

The 1 foot imagery only covers about 40% of the USA. I'm not sure what MSE 4x is using. Hopefully it's more than just USGS since there it limited coverage. I haven't run into a download limits with USGS. If you start g2xpl while in X-Plane, just select USA as the service and it loads auto automatically. Bing seems to be the most consistent and I don't see any download limits. ZL17=1 meter, ZL18=50cm.

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