Description An IDS software license is required to use IDS software with a VCM or VCM II. Purchase: Upon purchase of an IDS Software License, you will receive a 20-digit licensing activation code (key).

Jan 29, 2018 - Latest Ford IDS V108.01 Full Software for Ford VCM II support online programming released on Jan. Note: The software update to newer V112.01 (December, 2018) without activation. Read and decode fault codes.


The user can activate the key in IDS using the “Activate a License” feature in IDS. Activating a key binds the key to the PC on which it is entered in IDS.

IDS users can release this tie to the PC or transfer the licensing key to another PC using the “Return a License” feature in IDS. Since the IDS Software License binds to the PC and not the diagnostic hardware, a single IDS software license will work with both the VCM and VCM II on one PC at a time. Each PC running IDS software will require it’s own license or the transfer of a license, since each license binds to the PC. Regular Validation: IDS must communicate with the License Server on a regular basis to validate the license.

A validation automatically occurs at each start-up when IDS is connected to the internet. When IDS is not connected to the internet a validation cannot occur. Therefore, any PC with IDS needs to be connected to the internet at least every 29 days.

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Failure to validate every 30 days will cause the license to become invalid and disable functionality within IDS. Annual Renewal: IDS Software licenses expire in 365 days. Users can renew licenses within 30 days of the expiration date by returning to their account and providing payment for the renewal. IDS Software license renewal terms are also 365 days. You can see more about IDS Software Licenses.

Be sure to review the entire Terms & Conditions when you establish an account. Related products • • •.

• All IDS software licenses will expire December 31st of each year purchased. Annual renewals will be available each January 1st.

New pricing will be available at the beginning of each quarter (January-March $1000, April-June $850, July-September $700, October-Dec $550). • Mazda IDS software can only be used with Mazda VCM II. VCM I is no longer supported. Mazda VCM II hardware is purchased separately – see “VCM” tab.

• VCM II Serial Number will be required when subscription is purchased to activate the VCM II. Please allow a couple of days for the VCM II to be activated. Blank akta zamera rasstoyaniya. • Mazda IDS and Ford IDS cannot be installed on the same computer. You will need to uninstall one of them to use the other.

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