Avengers: Endgame (2019). Action, Adventure, Fantasy 26 April 2019 (USA) Avengers: Endgame Poster Trailer. 0:30 Trailer. 30 VIDEOS 57 IMAGES.
This collection includes all of the works of Rob Twohy from 2017. As a special COMPILATION, you receive all 10 items at a 40%+ discount. It contains all the PDFs and Fantasy Grounds VTT software modules as appropriate per individual item. Sold separately, these items would cost $63.60, sold here for only $37.95. This is EXACTLY what's contained in the compilation - Fantasy Grounds Random Encounter Generator - REVAMPED!
(FG MOD) - Includes Random Monster Tables - REVAMPED! (FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds Random Trap Tables (FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds Pregens (FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds Random PC Generator - REVAMPED! (FG MOD) Dragon Lord Class (PDF & FG MOD) Reincarnation Race Table (PDF & FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds 5E Class Features Effects Coding (FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds 5E Feats Effects Coding (FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds 5E Race Traits Effects Coding (FG MOD) Fantasy Grounds 5E Spell Effects Coding (FG MOD) *** This package is PART of the 'Everything Rob Twohy 2016-2017 Sale' and 'Everything 2016-2018 Sale' packages. Please consider one of those before purchasing this. The name of this product is very misleading.
It's not the complete works if 2017 as it doesn't include your coding packageswhich you indicate in this and other listings under your download these other helpful fun items that these are from 2017. I do see in the description that it says it doesn't include the coding package but the name should not say it's the complete works of 2017. If I couldn't get all your stuff in one go where would you suggest to start. I've just started watching your YouTube videos with fgc founder and found out you have these products.
I'm sure there were tons of people out there just like me who (in the last year or two) were looking for an online virtual table top and decided to investigate VTT to see what was out there and I'm sure they did exactly what I did and found what I like to call the big three (roll20, Fantasy Grounds, and d20pro). In fact I started doing a video series on youtube discussing the process I was using and the pro's and con's of each of this software so that others out there could find their answers without having to waste their time trying to investigate it themselves. All of this information is from basically an outsider opinion but sometime it’s those on the outside that you should listen to the most.
They are not altered by opinion, by bias, nor do they have a vested interest in any program. And as mentioned I have gone through this process of deciding exactly what program or programs I will use for my VTT which I am sure is the same thing many have done before me. I should probably mention that I am currently DMing 2 fantasy grounds games and 2 roll20 games and have talked with all of my 20 or so players about these programs, their views, and their thoughts (to help continue my VTT investigation).
This isn’t going to be a rant and rave about the differences between roll20 and fantasy grounds, that’s not its purpose, but rather to say –hey you want to know what a person looking for a VTT is thinking when they look at fantasy grounds and then look at roll20 or any other VTT software. Look into the looking glass to find the answers before you look elsewhere. Plus plus puzzle. So first off, my views are that there isn't any perfect VTT currently out there.