This best-selling text offers a unique policy-oriented approach that uses models and concepts to illustrate real-world development problems. Retaining its hallmark accessibility throughout, the Eighth Edition uses the most current data, offering full coverage of recent advances in the field, and featuring a balanced presentation of opposing viewpoints on today's major poli This best-selling text offers a unique policy-oriented approach that uses models and concepts to illustrate real-world development problems. Retaining its hallmark accessibility throughout, the Eighth Edition uses the most current data, offering full coverage of recent advances in the field, and featuring a balanced presentation of opposing viewpoints on today's major policy debates.The authors have streamlined this edition and have included coverage of new and critical topics.
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The text includes extensive country-specific examples, updated Country Case Studies, and Comparative Case Studies that allow students to apply concepts to specific developing nations. Rating this book is a dilemma for me. I actually liked it because it is really good at what it covers, but what it covers is seriously flawed. This is not a book about development. It is about misery and dealing with symptoms of backwardness and poverty, not its causes or the process of development. Periya puranam in tamil pdf story of india. This shortcoming is most obvious in the complete lack of a discussion of industrialization - although very few countries can hope to develop without industrialization. I'm not saying that we should c Rating this book is a dilemma for me.
I actually liked it because it is really good at what it covers, but what it covers is seriously flawed. This is not a book about development. It is about misery and dealing with symptoms of backwardness and poverty, not its causes or the process of development. This shortcoming is most obvious in the complete lack of a discussion of industrialization - although very few countries can hope to develop without industrialization. I'm not saying that we should close our eyes from the misery of the world.