Find out what role(s) you are likely to adopt with the Team Roles Test. Ajith villain video songs free download. After finishing this test you will receive a FREE snapshot report with a summary. Belbin describes a team role as 'a tendency to behave, contribute. A questionnaire designed to establish your preferred way of working in a team.


Personality Tests Personality and aptitude tests (psychometrics) are helpful for managing people and for understanding yourself. You should also consider using personality and aptitude tests if you are recruiting or developing people. A selection of personality tests and working style self-assessment tools are free to view and download below. Supporting diagrams and other tools are available at the section.

See the section for more information about personality styles and theories, psychometrics models and tests, including the Four Temperaments, Myers Briggs MBTI, Keirsey, Belbin, DISC and Benziger. You may use any the free tests and assessment materials below provided you acknowledge copyright and this website.

These materials are not to be sold or published and are not to be put onto any other website. We do not accept responsibility for any liability that arises from the use of these materials and you are strongly advised to seek local qualified advice if in any doubt about the use or positioning of these tools. Assessing people is a sensitive matter, and needs handling carefully - assessments and tests are positive development tools, not sticks with which to beat people. See the disclaimer notice below. Personality tests and psychometrics instruments come in a wide variety of formats.

Many are now free, although beware of using copied materials that are 'apparently' free because many are not and will be subject to licensing and copyright protection. Validated psychometrics instruments and personality tests are commonly quite expensive and many require training and/or accreditation to administer. Scientifically validated tests cost the psychometrics providers a lot of money to develop, which is why these tests are rarely free.


If you are interested in psychometrics and personality testing it's useful to seek demonstrations and explanations before you buy. Training and Human Resources exhibitions are a good source of suppliers and new ideas. Graphology (handwriting analysis) is also worth exploring.

These various assessments and tests below are not scientifically validated - some are serious and reasonably solid instruments - others are obviously more light-hearted. Use them appropriately and be sensitive to people's feelings. Always seek permission before assessing people and always involve them in the analysis. Assess yourself too. Even the most basic instrument can be a very useful 'mirror' for your own attitudes and styles. It often helps to have another viewpoint, which is essentially what psychometrics and personality assessments provide.

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